Pets E house (宠物e家) (Entry of San-chuang contest of college students)
provincial level, third price
This is an entrepreneurship project. It depends on two platforms: Android and Wechat. Users can select surrounding petshops, foster their pets, buy items for pets and rate service simply with clicks.
Xucong is responsible for all APP and Wechat APP development.
Xucong's note:
This work lasts about 2 months. I am not very familiar with HTML/CSS/JS and Android development before, but I learn them in a few weeks and make a not-so-bad result.
Character girl (汉字姑娘) (Entry of Computer designing contest of Chinese college students)
national level, third price
This is an 2D game based on unity C#. Players can move freely and discover various Chinese traditional customs.
Xucong is the leader. He raises the idea, organises the whole team, and is responsible for all related technical development.
Xucong's note:
This work lasts about 1 months. I learned C# by myself in a few weeks and delicately accomplished the task.